by Khurshed | Dec 3, 2020 | Craniosacral Therapy
I have had some people comment that craniosacral therapy is “just touch” – what’s the big deal?! Why do I need to study for 2 years just to learn how to touch? I even had one person who had seen some YouTube video about how to give CST and had “learned” it like that... by Khurshed | Dec 2, 2020 | Craniosacral Therapy, Posture
As a child, my Mom would always tell me – Sit straight! Every now and then, she would point out that my back was too hunched, and I looked like some frail old grandmother. If I had to sit for long hours without a back support, I would keep fidgeting, and slowly... by Khurshed | Dec 2, 2020 | Craniosacral Therapy, Practice Development
Sound has a profound impact on us. Beautiful music can move us to tears. Great words can uplift us and make us feel wonderful. Unfortunately, words can cause breakdowns as well. Humanity has inflected great tragedy upon itself, wars have happened because of words....